Unless you don’t watch TV, you’ve probably heard the story and seen the video of the school bus monitor bullied by students. Today, she’s retiring, thanks totally to the generosity of strangers who donated an astonishing amount of money to as a simple act of good faith and empathy.
Karen Klein, a 68-year-old grandmother, was a school bus monitor. We all remember, them, right? (my school only had a handful, so not often on my route), but their job was basically to help ensure that the bus ride to school was safe by keeping us unruly students in line.
But caught on video, Karen was insulted, relentlessly, by the kids she was there to oversee. The act struck a chord with many people, which I personally find hope in: we saw someone being treated badly, and decided to lend a helping hand. Admittedly, I was not one who donated to what started as a vacation fund so that she could take some much needed time off – we can all relate to needing a break but not being able to afford it.
Empathy… when people show our power for empathy we get heart-warming stories like this: what started as a vacation fund quickly became a retirement fund. With over $700,000 donated, Karen Klien, the bullied school bus monitor, is retiring in style and with gratitude and a right big thanks from a lot of people who donated to the “vacation” fund.
So call me a sap, but I also like the “Making a Difference” segments on NBC Nightly News. Sometimes we just need to hear some good news where people behave well, or wrongs have been righted. THOSE are the things that make a country great.