Why is the driving force behind the republican party intensifying its anti-abortion / anti-women’s rights stances?
My reply to this search on POLITUSIC probably won’t make me very popular with a lot of people – but a big part of this site is about ranting, so here’s one of my theories as to why the GOP is hell bent on restricting abortions:
Because when women have children they are easier to control, keep at home, and “more prone” to serve, obey, and “be submissive to” the husband. Not my belief, but remember that Conservative means rejecting change. Women in power and being independent is change.
And the opposite of a submissive woman scares the crap out of the average “traditional morals” man.
Jesus, Christianity… being “pro-life” are just the selling pitch package – the wrapping paper and the spin to make the argument – that make their desire to maintain a somewhat dictatorial, patriarchal home life legitimate. They can’t just come out and say that women should be barefoot, pregnant and inside the home… well… they can’t anymore, anyway.
Die hard Republicans (those who are in the party not just for money, but mainly for religious and socially conservative reasons)… those republicans **really** miss the 1950s and most of the proceeding years.
I’m not fully discrediting that many religious republicans (like those who bomb abortion clinics, or shoot and kill doctors in the name of Jesus) have religion and the “sanctity of life” … yeah sanctity of life… as their primary motivator to be hell bent on ending all abortions. I’ll even concede that there are actually pro life people who protest abortion clinics who are NOT in favor of the death penalty. However, in reality that’s a very small part of the “pro life movement”, and sadly I’ve given up on trying to explain anything once someone gets that deeply embedded in the paradoxes of faith.
The republicans who are the most agressive on the anti-choice battle are those who are very aware of what they want: the submissive wife who is a great cook and has no power, AND, they are also aware of what represents the opposite of what they want: the single woman who has power and influence in *his* world, his work, his clubs, and HIS society. Those republicans are the scary ones; like Todd Akin and the wacko doctor who claim women can’t get pregnant if they are raped. A strong, independent woman who might possess more power than he does is terrifying to a “devout” Christian man who spent his life being raised surrounded by Jezebel teachings and gender roles that bombard us every hour of every day.
And so… the Sandra Fluk debacle. Arguments over contraception… Opening and angrily calling a woman a slut to millions of head-nodding listeners…. introducing laws that would make IVF illegal, the pill illegal… JUST so they can make abortion illegal in the name of Jesus (“…now excuse me why I take my gun and go shoot this doctor”).
The Pro Life movement is a Jehad that can have a lot of collateral damage if it is not kept in check. Being against abortion is just fine. You have that right. But that’s it. You do not have the right to have your beliefs, your RELIGIOUS and cultural beliefs about how a woman should act and what she should be, infringe on the lives of everyone else. We do have freedom here, so get your religion out of my personal life, (and out of my chicken sandwich while you’re at it).