All I can say about this latest proof of republican misinformation is look back to my theory about how the Republican Party has chosen to rule its people is exactly the same as North Korea: miss-information, paranoia, and religion.
From thinkprogress:
“POLL: MOST REPUBLICANS STILL BELIEVE THAT IRAQ HAD WMD | A new poll conducted by Dartmouth government professor Benjamin Valentino found that 63 percent of Republican respondents still believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the United States invaded in 2003, even though this assertion has been thoroughly debunked. In comparison, only 27 percent of independents and less than 15 percent of Democrats believed in the misinformation. Additionally, 64 percent of Republican respondents believe that President Obama was born in another country. As the Huffington Post’s Dan Froomkin notes, “this latest poll result seems to indicate a refusal — unique to the modern Republican Party — to acknowledge facts.”
I’m too tired, too annoyed, and too darn old to properly rant about this crap. Sad is the only word that seems remotely fitting.
Read the report; it’s disturbing. The lore of Republican belief is no longer based in reality (…when was the last time it was? Now they’re even re-writing polls so it looks like Mitt Romney is ahead…. does that qualify as leaving the planet or leaving the solar system?) Read the results of the poll.
Take your country back, Republicans? How about take your party back? Back to facts and a bit of dogma based in reality. I KNOW there are millions of reasonable republicans in this country: take your party back.