Like everyone else it seems there’s an awful lot of people who feel uneasy and want to do something, but don’t know where to start or what to do. Setting up a tent in front of your local government offices or bank headquarters just might be a little too intimidating for most of us, but those who are doing so are clearly helping poke the fires (thank you).
I say if you can’t Occupy Wall Street, then Occupy the Internet.
Start your own personal sit in on the issues that you feel are the most important. Take up your corner of the Internet and pitch your tent, put out your signs and keep at it (sort of like I supposed I’m doing here right now).
If you’re flustered: don’t accept getting news and opinions only from TV and other people: write your own! The Internet is a level playing field and those ideas that garner the most purely democratic support win (provided people play fairly, which… well…).
Occupy the Internet. Start a blog, buy a domain, whatever you want to do, but use your own voice.
Lets start by stopping the select few from telling the cameras “what the American people want is… “
How about we actually say what we want? You say what you want. Rant away. You have a voice, so use it. Even if one or two people actually see it, that’s still a start. Use your own voice, your own opinions and ideas. I am sick and tired of spin and the belief that if politicians tell us what we want, then we’ll end up wanting it.
We’re smarter than that.
Occupy the Internet. Set up your tent and your lawn chair and get the grill. Keep writing about your own thought: keep the discussion going. Please, keep the discussion going. Open and honest discussion that doesn’t bicker or attack personally.
Every single one of us has the ability to tell politicians what we really want – might as well get started.
My one hope for anyone in the world who is trying to have a voice: no hate, control the anger, and be directed at progress not accusations. Focus on fixing and ficus on truth.