Mitt Romney Finally Pumps His Own Gas

mitt-romney-pumping-gas-768x1024This is not to say that Mr. Romney hasn’t filled his own gas tank in the past (metaphorically or otherwise), but here in California, those of us who basically live in our automobiles more than our mansions – we find great escape in pumping our own gas into our beloved cars. Mitt Romney, welcome to the pump your own damn gas club. It can actually teach you a lot about the everyday person, even more of us than the infamous 47% Romney-ism.

We’re beginning to think that it will be much more difficult (spiritually, moving-on-with-one’s-life-ly, etc.)  to be the election loser in 2012 than it has been in the past, particularly because of the venomous character of the extreme right – which for the time being seems still to be running the media outlets for the Republican Party.

The problem for poor (metaphysically speaking) Mitt Romney, is that due to the election loss (… and a few of his missteps… many missteps… pre-during-and-post election that revealed his rather negative feelings towards, as O’Reilly calls us/them “the under-30’ers” – which is not a reference to BOTH age AND income…), the Republican Party and politicians who have any desire for a career beyond 2012 – those republicans are divorcing themselves from Mitt at an alarming rate; and with agression – almost more so than we anticipated here at POLITUSIC.

Mitt has not only has no base, the base was pulled out from underneath him to reveal a black hole of support.

Mitt has to pump his own gas. But Mitt: that’s OK. You might not be President of the United States, but you can still be a statesman by learning from this experience and teaching it to those who won’t listen to democrats.

However alone one might feel getting snapped by a California paparazzi late at night in the unflattering lights of a gas station…  that humbling experience is probably just the image that the entire political establishment needs to see, assess, and understand: when you lose in today’s politically charged environment – it’s over, you become stranded, and verbally beaten down by those who once held you on a pedistal. Politicians, who place power above all else, would eat their own young to stay in power… even if  you’re lonely and you’re cold – even in California, and even as a multi-millionaire… American politics has no mercy.

The moral to your gasoline station journey, Mitt Romney: humility. All of your, and your political party’s mistakes in this election were due to arrogance. Even a republican who lost the presidential election can learn that lesson. From there all we can hope is that they will help teach that lesson… and ultimately, with work, humility  and great care… maybe even Mitt Romney can become a statesmen who can help make the country better, not just the donor-class.


Category:  Politics, The Best
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 09-30-2013 22:36:57


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