Ultimately, we’ll want to file this one under “republicans have no new ideas”, but for today it earns a best spot on POLITUSIC: Republicans hate rich people.
The Republican Party and Fox “News” both win a Best on POLITUSIC today for what will certainly go down as one of the most misguided political smearing attempts in American political history: trying to “Mitt Romney” Hillary Clinton.
I just received my daily updates email from Fox News (screenshot is below) that details their top stories of the day: apparently, republicans are now anti-rich.
Who does that leave remaining who republicans are for? Anyone? Bueller?
Republican Party wants to paint 47% on Hillary Clinton’s back
The top story on Fox News this day is an “article” bashing Chelsea Clinton because, like most wealthy people, she doesn’t relate very well to the rest of us on matters of money. This is nothing new. Poor people don’t get rich people and vice versa. Welcome to the human race. But the current effort of the media arm of the extreme right wing doesn’t stop there: the third story in the top stories list is also about the Clinton’s wealth, and they’re been pushing that narrative just as hard as Benghazi ever since Hillary’s “flat broke” comment.
Is the fact that a former President and former Secretary of State have a lot of money suddenly a surprise? No. The GOP making such a big deal about it is political desperation. We are beginning to smell the oder of republican desperation already – for the 2016 election. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting to smell that until the middle of next year. The GOP panic is well ahead of schedule.
Ever since “maybe-or-maybe-not-running-for-president” Hillary Clinton in 2016 stumbled in an interview about being flat broke after leaving the White House, the republican media establishment has – in one of the greatest displays of WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY THINKING in political history – begun attacking the Clintons because they are rich. Yes: the GOP now hates rich people.
Whoever is advocating this attack deserves to be banished from political consulting for the remainder of their life. These people just earned the same status as Dick Cheney giving advice about Iraq. They should be laughed out of town.
My question begs a repeat: who in the country is remaining that the GOP likes? They apparently hate poor people. They definitely hate gays, they think all non-Christians are terrorists, they don’t trust single people, they hate independent women, they really hate democrats, and really, really hate Obama, they hate Mitt Romney… no, wait… I think they like him again.
Crossing the boundaries of Republicanland is like watching an old episode of Doctor Who when slightly sleep deprived.
Republican 2016 election strategy: the GOP likes poor people…
… yeah… that makes me laugh, too.
The assumption we all must make is profoundly funny: this attack is an active republican election strategy to hit Hillary in 2016. Either to get her not to run at all, or to bring it back at a later date. (Going after her daughter is a bit sad, though. Granted, Chelsea is in the public realm more than most children of politicians, but still, you want to bash Hillary, so go ahead and do that – but good form is leave the children out of it.)
The GOP is showing is rather pathetic cards early. They seem to believe that since Mitt Romney’s infamous 47% comment played a large part in his losing the 2012 presidential election that doing the same to Hillary Clinton will have a similar result. Once again, republican strategists completely miss the point.
As usually, the problem is truth. The Republican Party LOVES rich people. Everyone knows that. The GOP bends over backwards (and other directions) to cater to the super rich… any now they’re attempting to direct the out of touch narrative towards the Clintons. Indeed, there is no shame in politics. The GOP just took it to an entirely new and surreal level.

To the republican strategists out there who are getting paid far too much for being complete morons: the Clintons are good, life-long democrats. Is Hillary Clinton rich? Yes. While the Clintons might have money – while they might have a lot of money – they clearly do not show or practice spite or disgust for people who do not have a lot of money, which is Mitt Romney did, and the policymaking of the Republican Party continues to do to citizens of these United States.
Having money, and showing disdain for people who do not have money are very, very different things. It seems that political-class Republicans will never understand that.
Honestly, GOP: extraordinarily bad call. You might get some laughs now, but bad call nevertheless. This will get your base happy for a couple news cycles, but insofar as the 2016 election is concerned? It will not influence Hillary in either direction in her decision to run for president, nor will it blip on the radar in the polls (real polls, accurate polls – not republican party push polls). Bad call republican “strategists”. I can smell the stink of desperation from here.
Published: by | Updated: 04-21-2015 17:41:32