What’s the dot / star on the flag pin republicans are wearing? It all started in 2012 with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan when they were spotted with black dots on their flag pins during the Republican National Convention (in short: Paul Ryan forgot his so borrowed one from a Secret Service agent). Since then it has become a GOP fad to “modify” the traditional flag pin, either by wearing the one with a star, or upgrading to different shapes like waves or states.
The original research into the republican flag pin phenomenon: Using a monster 80 inch HDTV (not mine due to rule #29: never possess a mode of passive entertainment that has a footprint larger than your car), coupled with a little of “the Google” I was able to find what the dot is on Romney’s flag pin (Romney / Ryan flag pin photos are below).

Of course, the comments and questions as to whether or not this black dot or elephant or star as an “amendment to the flag” is some sort of flag desecration… they don’t matter, really. Free speech and all… so I’ll leave that one be.
However, the point being made that if Democrats were to do the same thing with their own flag pins… then Republicans would be up in arms about it!!! That point of political hypocrisy, particularly stellar in Mitt Romney’s Rubber and Glue campaign, is at least shareable.
The black dot, star, or elephant on republican flag pins:
The mystery dot on Mitt Romney’s flag pin actually started back in January during the Republican debates. Both Romney and Ginrich “modified” their flag pins (sooo “going-rogue-chic”). The “history professor” Gingrich had the small blue flag of the George Washington campaign in his flag pin, while Mitt had a small elephant in the lower corner. Wishful thinking, I guess.
Now it looks like the elephant has changed to a star… a star that is the flag pin that Secret Service agents wear.
So the basic boil-down of the dotted, starred, elephant flag pin mystery is:
The Romney campaign is either too cheap to buy their own flag pins, or has a tendency to forget that the candidates must wear one lest they be kicked out of the Republican Party for treason… so they are taking them off of their Secret Service agents who always cary some spares. Maybe they just forgot theirs during the RNC and now are stuck wearing the star flag pin because people noticed it.
...or maybe… Romney bought the Secret Service agency using a debt-leveraged loan, and is progressively liquidating its assets, starting with the flag pins.
Mystery of the black dots on Romney’s flag pin solved?
Nah, not quite… as long as we’ve entered into the world of politics of the absurd during this election, we should build conspiracies into it ;) A low jack function? Camera? A receiver antenna for the aliens who are controlling Romney’s lower body functions? A taunt to get Democrats to do the same so that Republicans can then turn around and claim they are desecrating the American Flag?
Aliens controlling Romney… that’s my vote. Otherwise how can a man that out of touch become so damn wealthy?