The average price of a quality baby stroller these days is between $250-$400 – and it’s pretty easy to spend over $500. (But don’t worry, you can still get a quality stroller for $100-$150. We’ve listed prices for many kinds of baby strollers below). Given how expensive strollers are, it’s a good idea to research and read stroller reviews so you know all your options.
JUMP TO PRICE COMPARISONS: Jogging strollers, Twin strollers, Inexpensive strollers, Pram strollers (buggy / bassinet).
Parents today spend more money on a single baby stroller than on all the bicycles I had my entire childhood. You want to buy a baby stroller that will last a long time as well as fits your lifestyle and habits.
Nearly all baby strollers now have a travel option: to attach a car seat to the stroller frame. While nearly all of them have the hardware to connect to most car seat manufacturers, not all baby strollers actually come with the car seat, so it’s important to double check. Moreover, by knowing which strollers work with what car seats, you can buy strollers in pieces as you need each aspect, rather than spending a lot of money all at once. Besides making sure your baby is comfortable in the stroller, there are two design features that are top priority: wheels and suspension. You want a smooth ride and don’t want the wheels of the stroller to turn into a bad shopping cart after a couple of months.
Jogging Baby Strollers: Price between $200 – $800
Above all, keep your lifestyle in mind when buying a stroller: how much are you walking around town? How many times do you get in and out of the car each day, do you want to go on paths, or always on paved sidewalks? You also don’t have to buy a stroller right away; since most strollers these days attach to a variety of other baby-related carriers, start with the pieces you need and “build” the stroller by buying the other pieces as the need arises.
Duo, double or twin strollers are popular not only if you have twins, but to help parents manage having two small children. If buying a double / twin stroller you have two structural options: side-by-side, and tandem. Side-by-side twin strollers are fairly difficult to manage in tight situations.
Twin Baby Strollers: Price Between $250-$800
These days almost all of the double strollers use a larger wheel size, which helps a lot with maneuverability as well as comfort, but the side-by-side strollers still might have issues getting through narrow walkways simply because they’re twice as wide. Tandem twin strollers don’t have the same width challenges. While some parents and children aren’t always elated with the seat configuration, tandem strollers do tend to offer a lot ore seating configurations (facing forward or backwards, different heights, etc. If you can, test them out to make sure your child is comfortable in the stroller set up.
Let’s face it, when you have children “cheap” and “inexpensive” can be music to your ears. Not all parents need expensive and stylish strollers to show off to their friends, though. No everyone needs a jogging stroller. (Some parents don’t use strollers at all). As mentioned above, the less expensive baby strollers cost less money because of the types of materials and features used, but the reviews of strollers in this price range are usually just fine, you don’t need a stroller to be a status symbol, you need it to work for you. The “fancy” baby strollers have countless configurations and what sometimes feels like thousands of stroller accessories. All those options require more parts, design, and re-enforcement for safety. The less expensive strollers don’t have as many options. They’re “classic” and singular of purpose: to be a baby stroller (usually with a lot of cup holders). The good news is the cheaper strollers are getting a lot better and do have enough comfort and functionality features to make nearly all of them a good purchase.
Whether a baby stroller is a travel stroller system or not (one in which a car seat attaches) is sometimes a make or break feature. If buying a new stroller with a car seat included, then the lowest amount you’ll likely spend is about $160-180. Comparable new strollers that can attach to a car seat, but don’t include it in the package, are anywhere from $45-60 less.
Inexpensive Baby Strollers
The cheap baby strollers still use smaller, plastic hub wheels. Another comparable benefit of jogging strollers is not only speed, but the added cushioning that comes with that design: larger, inflatable wheels and basic suspension to help smooth out the ride.
Pram Strollers, Buggy Strollers, Bassinet Strollers
If you’re a fan of the classic stroller look that can work or a newborn as well as older child, then a pram stroller is what you’re looking for. These are the classic, buggy style strollers that can be used with newborns who ride around in a bassinet (basket), which also normally detaches for carrying around. As the baby grows, the current pram strollers transform into a sitting stroller. Pram strollers are helpful in how they can convert, but they are also very much the posh stroller of the industry… as you can see by the average price ;)
For those like us who want kids surrounded by music, you might also want to spend a few extra dollars to get something like the, ‘iBaby’ sound system. Yes, strollers, with built in speakers and iPhone connectors so you can both listen to music while out and about. With so many options to choose from, prices for baby strollers also vary greatly, some based on design, a lot based on style.