The story from the AP is getting some buzz, but given Mini Murdoch had stepped back significantly starting in September, will this make any difference?
Moreover, he’s still in charge of News International, which owns all of these papers from which he resigned from the boards, anyway. Given that, will the general methods how this company operates really change? No, I don’t think so.
Any momentum of shame that might have caused a fundamental shift in how this company (family) and its subsidiaries do business happened awhile ago. They’ll either decide to stop manipulating, hacking, and creating fake news based on the initial outrage… or they won’t. They won’t. Most likely (and sadly), they’ll just find another way to cross the line.
The specific methods might change because they got caught, but the underlying corporate culture that encourages this sort of behavior won’t.
YYAAAARRR!!!! The Murdoch News Corp pirate ship fleet will sail on as it always has assuming people just aren’t quite responsible enough to think for themselves.
Read full story about Mini Murdoch resigning his post from UK papers.