I’ve noticed a lot of searches on POLITUSIC for some Grimm Terminology for all the names of “creatures” and what they all mean.
Just other people wondering made me curious because, what is a Eisbiber anyway? ;)
List of basic Grimm Terms with Translations (mostly creatures):
BAUERSCHWEIN— (Translation: Pig Farm) Your basic Pig.
BLUTBAD— (Translation: Blood Bath) Wolf Creature.
DAMONFEUER— (Translation: Demon Fire) Fire Breathing Dragon Creature.
DICKFELLIG— (Translation: Unsnubbable) Rhino Creature.
EISBIBER— (Translation: Ice Beaver) Beaver Creature.
FUCHSBAU— (Translation: Fox Hole or Burrow) Fox-like Creature.
GEIER— (Translation: Vulture) Vulture-like Creature.
HASSLICH— (Translation: Ugly) A Basic Troll.
HEXENBIEST— (Translation: Witch Bitch) A Ghoul.
JAGERBAR— (Translation: Hunter Bear) A Bear Creature.
LAUSENSCHLANGE— (Translation: Lice Snake) Snake Creature.
L?WEN— (Translation: Lions) Lion Creature.
MAUZHERTZ — (Translation: Mouse Heart) Mouse Creature.
MELLIFER— Bee Creature.
REINIGEN— (Translation: Pure Rat) Rat Creature.
SCHAKAL— (Translation: Jackal) Jackal Creature.
SCHNEETMACHER— (Translation: Cold Hearted Evil Creature) A Creature to avoid.
SIEGBARSTE— (Translation: The Most Visible Victory) Your Basic Ogre.
SKALENGECK— (Translation: Scaled Dude) Lizard Like Creature
SKALENZAHNE— (Translation: Scale Teeth) Crocodile Creature.
SPINNETOD— (Translation: Spider Death) Spider Creature.
STEINADLER— (Translation: Golden Eagle) Hawk-like Creature.
WESEN— (Translation: Nature) Any Creature.
ZIEGEVOLK— (Translation: Goat Folks) A Goat Creature.
(List is from wikia, which has a lot of good info on Grimm topics.)