Whether you choose to believe in “voter fraud” is not the issue: the issue is we have a lot of people in this country, all of whom have the right to vote. So stop all the balderdash thoughts about voter fraud somehow relating to early vote access for a moment and think outside of that political box: there are too many darn people in the United States to have elections work as they have in the past. The system needs to be fixed.
(… and by the way: voter fraud is a cooked up marketing ploy to convince you to allow politicians to rig the system in their own favor – just like re-districting does, and y’all know it. If you believe in democracy: let people vote.
Democrats, stop whining about voter suppression. I agree with you: that’s the purpose of all the voter ID laws and restricting early voting. What republican party is doing IS in an attempt to rig the system in their favor – they don’t even deny it.
But that’s not the point.
The point is there are too many people to hold elections like we used to, so lets get through the 2012 election in one piece, and then fix how this country votes. Simply extending early voting hours by a day or two won’t solve the problem. Voting should be encouraged, and making it accessible and easy is always the first step.
Republicans, stop buying into all the bull crap about voter fraud. It’s a joke that republicans in power use to get you to agree with these voter ID laws and not be angry about restricting early voting.
In Florida: Governor Scott is wrong, however. EARLY voting lines are hours on end. People who want to vote, are qualified to vote… and he wants to cut off early voting so they can’t do so. That impacts BOTH democrats and republicans. Everyone should be angry about it.
There are simply too many darn people in this country now to have a traditional election. Voting MUST be open for a month in order to just give the chance for everyone to do it – republicans and democrats and everyone in between have the right the vote, restricting that is the most anti-American thing I’ve ever seen! Rigging elections and changing laws so that people who have the right to vote cannot. People like that do not deserve to call themselves American.
The solution: California is getting there: we have an option for permanent absentee, plus lots of early voting so that everyone has a chance to vote. All states MUST have at least 4 weeks of early voting up to and including the official election day. We need an election month in America, not just an election day. That’s the only way that it’s possible to process everyone. People shouldn’t have to wait in line for 4 hours to vote… even on early voting days like is happening around the country…. and even with that people are STILL trying to restrict voting times.
It doesn’t matter what party with which you identify: that should piss you off and next election we better do something about it. EVERY American has the right to vote and no one has the right to take that away. We have to accept that the logistics have changed because of population growth (NOT immigration, babies popping out by the dozens causes most of it). The country needs to be smart enough to acknowledge that and fix it: Election Month, not just election day.