For a group of people that claims to be full of college-educated elites, democrats sure are stupid. Ha!
This great country is falling apart around them and they have no idea! They think people who warn them of the coming American apocalypse are paranoid. Ha! They’ll be the ones who are sorry when it all hits the fan.
I tell you, it amazes me that so many people can be so ignorant of the truth. Democrats want their lives to be so easy, and they want open borders, and that Obama isn’t doing a thing about securing our borders (he just lets them all walk right in and never even deports them!). Then these democrats just walk around with guitars like some hippies sitting under a tree with a twangy guitar and act like nothing is wrong. Democrats ignore the truth, I tell you. I just don’t get it. It’s so clear that this county is on the brink of destruction, and democrats totally ignore it. For the life of me, I don’t know why democrats don’t see the truth. It’s everywhere around them.

Well, I’m just happy we have people like Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump, and even that Paul Ryan who might get us out of this in 2016. I don’t know if I can wait that long to get rid of that Obama, but since all those long-time rhino republicans in Congress seem willing to do is sue Obama (that man should be impeached for treason!), all us sane people can do is hunker down and pray it out until we get a real leader and good, family values republican into the White House. We made it this far with the socialist dictator, I sure do hope we can make it to 2016.
You see, the problem with democrats is that they only listen to and watch main stream media. That’s the problem with democrats: democrats ignore truth because they get their information from the liberal main stream media. They need to stop doing that and listen to people who tell the the truth. Real news and information from real Americans. They need to learn to not trust main stream media. All those so called “news” organizations like CBS, and NBC, and ABC (and don’t even get me started about that socialist propaganda machine they call PBS) are just there to sell the liberal agenda and destroy America. Liberals are destroying this country and they use main stream media to hide the truth. The truth is that this country is on the brink. It’s been on the brink for years! Right there, on the edge, ready to fall at any moment! Well, those of use who know not to trust a word that comes out of main stream media know that it can happen at any time, so we’re prepared. Not only are we prepared, but we’re ready to take our country back from all the liberals who want to do God knows what to this country.
Democrats ignore the truth because the truth is real Americans have to work hard to get things done. We have to work hard and earn what we get. Democrats want everything for free. Democrats are lazy. Heck, they probably even ignore that truth! Ha!
If you’re a democrat: stop believing what main stream media is force feeding you. There still might be hope for you if you block out all that liberal junk and learn the truth from places like NewsMax and Drudge Report. You can buy all sorts of books and other stuff that will get you back on track.
Published: by | Updated: 04-21-2015 17:40:10