After John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, and Lindsey Graham all received a super-special meeting with UN ambassador Susan Rice and the acting Director of the CIA (unprecedented meeting, mind you – they got this meeting for no other reason than they are shouting, ranting, and squawking in front of every microphone and TV camera they can find) … after over an hour of special attention that would normally make any tantrum-throwing three-year old calm down and eat their vegetables … they emerge to the TV cameras “disturbed” by what they heard.
I have news: they are disturbed. Not by what they were told, but by the outlandish politically supercharged attacks on Suan Rice – they just don’t realize why they feel so “disturbed.”
What they should be focussing on is the investigation that the State Department is ALREADY DOING and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will present to Congress as soon as it’s complete. That investigation focuses on what’s important: what happened in Benghazi and how to prevent anything like it from happening again – not approved talking points on a TV show.
John McCain: you are disturbed, and it is disturbing. Many of us are highly unsettled by your behavior. It’s beyond lashing-ape-like anger – it surpasses head-scratching oddity and political theatre. McCain, Ayotte and Graham who have no business in this matter: you are disturbing. Please stop. We don’t like to see unstable senators shouting at the clouds and demanding answers to questions you don’t even have – all for the sake of politics.
Do you not listen to the voters? To the majority of the people you represent: we don’t want our politicians to act like crazed, power-mongering, rabid dogs who feed on camera lenses. We want rational, deliberate, THINKING people running the government – not disturbingly disturbed people who have lost track of what’s important about Benghazi.
What’s important about the attack on US citizens in Benghazi? The people, the security, the story of what happend – and how to make sure it NEVER happens again.
That’s what is important. Clearly you have forgotten. Why the hell are you shouting like a Simpson’s grandpa about Susan Rice? Why drag others into the stupidity? When did you decide to let petty politics overrule your own honor?
That the UN ambassador who has noting whatsoever to do with state department policy or security… what Susan Rice says on a damn TV show – what she said that was APPROVED by the intelligence agencies – that’s NOT the lesson to be learned or the windmill to attack.
Senator Whack-job McCain: you are disturbed. I get that. We all have that right. But you are not disturbed because of what Susan Rice was approved to say on Meet the Press. You are disturbed that you have lost your way as an honorable public servant.
That a man who was (and is) a war hero has stooped so low, so pettily, and so meaninglessly into the political mire of the eating-its-own-tail Republican Party of the Obama era – yeah… I’d feel disturbed about that, too. Word to the wise, Senator McCain: stop acting in a way that causes you to feel so disturbed. Be honorable. Be rational. Be wise.
Yes, John, Lindsey, and Kelly: you are disturbed. So are we – by you. Y’all freak me out. Über-petty, hyper-political, and down right dumb.