Mitt Romney Insults The Brits & London on Olympics

Vote Mitt the Twitt. Mitt insults the BritsMitt Romney displays his charm once again. Since he “ran” the Olympics in Salt Lake City (winter, smaller, Olympics), once again he feels entitled to criticize because he knows better than everyone else. Mitt’s method of leadership is to criticize. That’s all he knows, apparently.

And I’d like to point out that this is on the bad end of a political gaffe. This isn’t simply getting a preposition or pronoun wrong, or a slip of phrase: This was a direct answer, with details and thoughts, to a question. And as a result an entire country – countries – are screaming “Bad Form!” It isn’t just political cable news and bloggers pointing out a gaffe: this is the world crying foul.

Well done, Mitt the Twitt.

As one paper (Telegraph) wrote,

Mitt Romney is perhaps the only politician who could start a trip that was supposed to be a charm offensive by being utterly devoid of charm and mildly offensive.

Mitt, Mitt, Mitt. We all know you lack the ability to show empathy, and aren’t very good at talking with “common” and “normal” people, but now you’ve managed to anger an entire country – basically the closest ally of the United States – on the eve of one of the most important days for them: the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games. My, my, Mitt. How you managed to become rich while you have a complete lack of tact is beyond me.

Mitt Romney’s level of total detachment from “other people” continues to be astounding. He just insulted London, and basically the UK with  his typical condescending “holier than thou, I’m rich and therefore what I say is important” tone of voice.

Prediction for Mitt Romney’s trip to Jerusalem: He’ll advise everyone to just “stop all this fighting and everyone should join the Mormon church. Why do you want this land, anyway? It can’t be worth very much on the real estate market…. hardly worth developing.”

And now, the Mayor of London makes fun of Mitt. Then the PRIME MINISTER of England jumps  into the fray: defending that London is, in fact, prepared for the Olympic Games, and that it’s easy to host Olympics in Salt Lake City, “the middle of nowhere”. Can’t blame Cameron: imagine if someone equal to Mitt’s position in politics came to the Atlanta games and said the same thing: everyone who is defending Mitt now would be up in arms screaming for an apology. And you know what: Cameron is right. Winter Olympics in Utah is exponentially easier to secure than Summer Olympics with twice as many people in attendance (at least), and in a town where some of the roads are too narrow for the average American-owned car to fit.

Mitt, get over yourself. You helped the SLC Winter Olympics. Good for you. I know Salt Lake, and I know London: Salt Lake City is no London.

Well done, Mitt: way to lead. Good job. Now you have mayors, and the Prime Minister falling into your trench of bad manners as well. Go home, man. I hate to see what you’ll do next.

Mitt Romney has started an International war of words akin to a pissing contest ON TOP of insulting a country during a time when the whole point is coming together in the spirit of the Olympic Games.

Well done, Mitt. Way to play the spirit of the Olympics. Amazing how dense one person can be; even with a millions of dollars of media training behind him, and 8 years of running for the same office.

Honestly, Mitt: How do you do it? How can someone be so dense, and still 1) be successful (thank you daddy, right?), and 2) not learn from your mistakes?

Mitt Romney mistakes and gaffs seem to get WORSE as his campaign goes on.

Insulting London on the even of the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. Add it to the ever-growing list of “Why Mitt Romney is not fit to be President.”

… can’t wait to see what he does in Israel and on the rest of his Charm Offensive.

Category:  Politics     Tagged:
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 07-29-2012 11:18:23


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