Mitt Romney Left Bain Capital in February of 1999

If the Romney campaign says it enough, then of course it’s true. (Rule number one in politics, and its a sad statement on voters that it always works.)

Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in February of 1999….

Just keep saying it. Who cares about SEC filings that claim otherwise, right? Romney is seeking credit when Bain Capital does good things, and no accountability when it’s viewed as being a bit too brutal in it’s strive for maximum profit.

I would bet that Willard Mitt Romney only cheered for the Red Sox when they were doing well…

But I am torn. I don’t think the left should be swift boating Mitt Romney because of this. Let his refusal and dancing horse style speak for itself. He’s got himself so tied into a knot that eventually the Independents who will determine who wins the presidential election won’t be able to take it anymore.

For Democrats, this is a “We can be better than them” sort of moment. Just because they still go on and on and on and on about the birth certificate, and just because now apparently Hillary Clinton is being whispered sweet nothings by the Muslim Brotherhood, and just because Rush actually things that the latest batman movie has a villain that was secretly named… influenced by the Obama administration, to make Mitt Romney look bad…. Democrats, stick to the facts, stick to the positive, stick to the work. Eventually two things will happen: 1) Mitt (and the more extreme Republicans) will keep making fools of themselves, and as such, 2) Independent voters will reward Democrats for sticking to the right kind of political campaign tactics: issues, policy, facts, good debating, intelligent debates, and a practical approach to solving problems. The haters will always hate, so nothing can be done there. Once those who were shaped by the 1980’s are gone, the hate will settle down. Just let Mitt Romney continue to lie use the phrase “poor people” like it’s a dirty sock to all his rich friends. Let his campaign think up asinine concepts like “retired retroactively.”

If you give people enough room, they always show their true colors. You don’t always have to attack for the voters who matter to realize it.

I think we can all agree that Wall Street and big time investment bankers basically bend the rules at every turn. In the 80’s, we as a country decided that that is an OK to do business. That’s our own damn fault (or my parents, I suppose). “Greed is Good” took democracy and made pure, unadulterated Profit above all else capitalism the people. Money is more important than people in our society. Anyone who claims otherwise, I guess you’ve never in you life walked through a poor neighborhood or have a problem paying a bill.

Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in February of 1999….

Question, though: If I worked at a small company, no real power in the larger economy, if I were signing documents and taking a salary, and filing with the FCC as being in charge of a company…. do you think I might be held responsible by people I met on the street for the actions of that company? You know… since I’m signing papers and filing documents and taking a salary as “executive” of the company?

I mean, come on, Mitt, in 2002 and 2003 you took a $100,000 salary from Bain capital. a SALARY, not income from investments. You took a SALARY from the company on top of the paperwork. Oh no… of course you “left Bain Capital in February of 1999”

Just keep repeating that, Mitt, I’m certain Fox News has your back.

Oh right… hypocrisy in politics is another thing we just “let go by” for some reason. Damn we’re lazy.

Remember what I said earlier? That Mitt Romney is counting on the fact that voters are stupid? Yup… here it is again. “Hey! Look at that shiny thing over there!!! It’s all Obama’s fault!! Nothing to see over here! You just hate rich people!” Dear lord, what has our political system come to. I’m embarrassed, how about you?

However, I do hope that someone can be the better person in all of this. Is Mitt Romney fibbing, yes, probably. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Probably not. We already know that Mitt Romney will say and do anything to be President (in my opinion so he can finally get over some chip on his shoulder about needing to be more successful than his father was), but what’s the point? OOOOOO, a wealthy investment guy who’s running for political office isn’t telling the whole truth… WHAT A SURPRISE.

From the Associated Press:

So, should democrats attack, or should they be the better party? Let the FCC do it’s work. If it matters trust them to say so. I’d prefer the Dems to do some work. Keep working on educating the voters on policy, and why what they do really matters. Mitt Romney doesn’t matter. People do.

Category:  Politics     Tagged:
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 07-18-2012 10:35:53


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