Mitt Romney Wants Larger Class Sizes in Schools

Mitt Romney wants larger class sizesHow’s that for an education plan? Once again I have to ask Mr. Romney: Who the heck are your advisors? Someone actually OK’d you saying that you think there should be larger class sizes in our schools?

Like the teacher asked today,”Where does this research [on larger class sizes] come from?

“I heard your position on class size and testing,” said Steven Morris, a teacher at the Universal Bluford Charter School, which serves students in grades K through Sixth grade. “But you know, I can’t think of any teacher in the whole time I have been teaching, 13 years, who would say that more students [in the classroom] would benefit.”

Is that the Bain Capital approach to Education? What is it, exactly about 25 years in the private sector seeking profits taught you that LARGER class sizes is good for education…. privatizing education is just around the corner… then, like Mitt Romney has already tol college-ages students who cannot afford college… “shop around and find a good deal

Schools require resources, and the most important resource for a classroom is a teacher. A good teacher, who can focus on his/her students. And Mr. Romney doesn’t think teachers being able to give individual attention to students is all that important.

Think back to when you were in school… remember those moments when you’re favorite teacher was able to give you attention to help you learn? Do you think those moments were important? Romney doesn’t.

Couple that with Romney’s statement that he things private banks should be brought BACK into the federal student loan system as meaningless middle-men who do nothing but make profit…. there’s what 25 years experience in the private sector does to government policy… no change: as much profit as possible. Even in our children’s education.

Category:  Politics     Tagged:
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 09-14-2012 12:07:00


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