NBC News-WSJ Poll: Obama 94, Romney 0

A very confused mitt romney
Why do I think 0 percent of African-Americans support my campaign? Well…

As Jonathan Capehart wrote in regards to this latest presidential poll comparing Obama and Mitt Romney among African-Americans in the U.S.:

Rare is the time that a poll number makes me gasp. But there is one in the latest NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll that elicited one. While it was no surprise to see that President Obama snared 94 percent of African Americans surveyed, the presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney got nuthin’, zilch, niente, a big fat 0 percent.

Even John McCain got around 4%, and George Bush about 10%… what is Mitt Romney doing that’s so incredibly off as to get… ZERO percent support among African Americans?

You can’t deny that earning  0% of African-American support is… amazing. Has that ever happened in the history of polling? That’s just… amazing. Zero percent?!? Wow.

How does this work to win the election, then? Since the Republican Party and his VP choice have effectively alienated every woman who is NOT married, white, deeply religious, and living in the South… does Mitt Romney have to bus in people from Canada to get more enough votes? Is it possible to win 180% of the white male vote?

I think that his VP pick, Paul Ryan, plays a big role in that zero percent support number. Yesterday I felt bad for Paul Ryan because one of his favorite bands, Rage Against the Machine, called him out and left him at the alter, but now… maybe Mitt Romney wins the bad day award with a big fat Zero.

Category:  Politics
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 08-28-2012 09:25:55


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