Political Language Once Again Extreme, But What’s Their Plan?

OK… I’m getting a bit angry again, time to complain about people in politics using phrases like, “Obama is the most dangerous president ever!” … really? Really?!? Ironically, this sort of stuff is aimed and making the extreme right very angry against the president, but I’m assuming that, like me, it’s also making Democrats (and possibly people in the middle) angry and Republicans who are dishing out this crap on a daily basis.

I’m beginning to wonder if the Republican party has actually confused the election process with a pre-show from 1980’s version of the World Wrestling Federation. At any moment I do expect guttural shouts from the republican candidates, “extreeeeeeeemmmmm!” (and) “I’ll slam you to the grooooouuunnnd!” (I never watched that stuff, is that what they said?)

Most of the time I can turn on the news and be like most liberals right now: just shut up, sit down, and let the Republicans keep pushing so incredibly far to the right that there’s no way they can win in the general election.

But… I KNOW they have researchers and pretty good strategists… but they keep doing everything possible to remove rights, exploit the little guy, exploit religion and religious institutions, and move women back to pre-WWI status. What the heck are they thinking and does their research actually support this as the way to go?

Or do they count on their 5 or so billionaires to just fund them and advertise their way to a win? I can’t tell, and THAT’S what scares me. There has to be a plan – but what the hell is it?

The only side note I have is for all those Republicans out there who want strength and a good brawl during this election:

You’re Not Getting It: They’re Not Fighting, They’re Whining.

It FEELS like these guys are fighting and shouting from rooftops in their child-like recalcitrance… but 99% of what they say and shout, if you take out the tone of their voice and the cheering, booing, and jeering from the crowds (because now debates are apparently a sport) – they’re a bunch of whiners. They’re complaining and saying that they are victims of all these things: the “Elite Media”, “Obama Care”, “Pelosi and her Liberals” …. all they do is whine with a strong voice that all these things are hurting them. Well boo hoo. Stop whining and find some solutions that actually work (rather than ideas from the 80’s that have been proven over and over again to NOT WORK… it’s a new world, guys, time to catch up).

The republican candidates are not fighting, they’re whining.

But alas, with the massive insurge of religion and rights restrictions, and voter suppression, union-busting, billionaire funding, and barking from behind safety glass like small, yapping dogs… they keep doing it… what’s the plan?

Right now all I can think of is they know they can’t win, so do as much damage as possible.

Wow, guys… good thinking. Way to put your country first. Destroy the house before you leave like an angry tenant whose behavior got you evicted. Whining brats exploiting and destroying everything they can on the way out the door.

Category:  Politics     Tagged: , ,
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 07-27-2012 10:30:02


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