It’s about time republicans sue Obama. I’m excited! This is just what I needed to hear to keep up the Tea Party, True-American message until the end of the 2014 elections. I’ve always known Obama doesn’t respect the Constitution of the United States of America, that Obama abuses his power acts like he’s a communist dictator! We all know he’s not a real American, and so finally, republicans are acting against Obama by suing him.
It’s about time John Boehner and those establishment republicans in the House of Representatives file a lawsuit against Barack Hussein Obama. That man probably isn’t even really the president of the United States! Finally the Speaker of the House suing the President of the United States will kick Obama out of the White House. Ha! It’s about time! I’m excited! Yes, indeed, this is exactly what I needed to feel better about the GOP.
Oh, I’m all fired up now! I’m ready to get out there and vote! Heck, I’m gonna volunteer to be a poll watcher! That’s what I’m going to do. I’ll even go to another state if I have to. Republicans suing Obama is the best thing that’s happened to me since the Obamacare website exploded! This is great! Ha! Where do I sign up to be a poll watcher, anyway?
Now… I know that the Speaker of the House said in his press conference that suing Barack has nothing to do with impeaching him, but I think he’s just holding his cards close to his chest. That’s what I think, and I’m not alone! I tell you. Barack Obama should be thrown in jail for treason! If he gets sued it’s not even close to what that one deserves. Obama has destroyed America, and it’s the job of people like me to restore America back to what it was before all those democrats came and ruined this country.
Real Americans need to keep pushing establishment republicans!
Yes, indeed. I think the republicans have finally gotten their act together. They’re finally listening to those of us who have been trying to hold them accountable, to bring real America back. They’re finally listening, and I think those establishment republicans are just playing it safe right now. If we keep pushing, they’ll take it further. I know it. If we keep pushing: more rallies, more commercials, more emails and letters and flyers. We must get the word out!
Make more signs, my fellow Americans!
Plan more rallies! Set up on every corner of every street in every town! We must keep pushing our message so that everyone who has been asleep to the reality that America is being ruled by a Muslim president finally wakes up. This is just what I needed to get my motivation back for all of us. Make those signs, get out on those streets, don’t let anyone in your town not know the truth!
Suing Barack Obama isn’t enough, but it’s the momentum we need. If we dig deep and push our Tea Party values stronger and with more vigor that we ever have before… we might finally get rid of this socialist non-American man who holds the office of the president of the United States. We must be aggressive. We cannot allow our message to be ignored. We cannot quit. It’s time to work harder than we ever have!
Published: by | Updated: 04-21-2015 17:41:06