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Boehner v. Obama…
…the Republican Party has turned into the love child of an ambulance chaser and cheer leader. Speaker Boehner is “definitely” planning on suing President Obama. This is yet another demonstration of the GOP’s total lack of policy cohesion and the Tea Party tail wagging the establishment dog.
Why? Do they really care that President Obama has issued fewer executive orders than nearly every American president? Clearly not. So why would John Boehner sue President Obama? Because Boehner is afraid.
Boehner is afraid because most of the Tea Party candidates have lost their primary elections against establishment, incumbent republicans. Those defeats threaten that the rowdy Tea Partiers in voter base will stay at home in the 2014 general elections this November. Suing Obama is just what the Tea Party needs to stay excited and get out the vote in November.
Not only would a low Tea Party turn-out in November mean that democrats would more easily keep control of the Senate, but democrats could possibly pick up some seats in the House. The Speaker of the House can’t have that. He’s desperate that republicans keep control of the House. And so… in what honestly is a concept I’m still grappling with, the Speaker of the House thinks it’s a good idea to announce that he is suing the President of the United States.
The best part: John Boehner has clearly stated that this is not in pursuit of impeachment of Obama. Moreover – in a move that is so wonderfully and perfectly modern republican politics – he has not offered any specific action taken by Obama that merits grounds for filing a lawsuit! He’ll get back to the citizens of the United States about that… after he wastes taxpayer money trying to fabricate a lawsuit. At the moment itt just feels like he should sue the President.
How perfectly Tea Party is that?
As the new White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, said: “The fact that they are considering a taxpayer-funded lawsuit against the president of the United States for doing his job, I think, is the kind of step that most Americans wouldn’t support.”
Republicans Need To Keep the Beat-Down Tea Party Excited.
I have to hand it to John Boehner. The man has more spunk than I thought. Not a bad political move, either. The drooling Tea Party base will not be easy to keep excited through November, especially since other than the massive upset of Eric Cantor, they lost all the important primary bids.
Here I have to give nods to Fox News for calling out the absurdity of the political move. In an interview with Michele Bachmann on Fox about the republicans suing the President. Cavuto actually “went off” on her about how ridiculous wasting time and money on this new election-rally tactic.
Of all the responses, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi summed it up the best, “They’re doing nothing here and so they have to give some aura of activity.” It really is quite absurd.

The extreme right wing likes to call Obama a dictator. That the President is out of control for issuing “so many executive orders”. Anyone who can use “the Google” can find facts: Obama has issued fewer executive orders than almost every president in history. And yet, because the the ONLY thing that binds the republican party base together is their deep seeded hate of Obama, the Speaker of the House had to announce that he is suing President Obama…. he has not specifics… no idea for what… but he’s definitely going to sue the president.
I’ve heard and seen many political tactics that can only be described as bottom of the barrel, but the House of Representatives suing the President has got to be the worst.
Democrats must use the GOP filing lawsuits to their political advantage
We all know that the Tea Party are a lost cause. The country will age out of it. Ever since the disastrous ACA roll out, I had very little hope that democrats could keep control of the Senate, let alone have democrats win back Congress. Now, however… the level of desperation that the Republican Party has shown in the last month might very well give Democrats enough room to at minimum keep control of the Senate and possible gain some ground in the House.
Once again, democrats, I say: exploit the weakness within the GOP win win in 2014. It’s time to be politically brutal. Don’t let the GOP anti-everything rhetoric stay inside the halls of their own voter base: bring those things into the light. Make all the voters of this country see what goes on behind GOP doors. Show the voters the truth, and you’ll win. If you do that all the way through to the last ballot is cast in the 2014 mid-terms – we might have a chance to overcome the crazy that has plagued the House of Representatives since 2010.
Published: by | Updated: 04-21-2015 17:41:25