I tell you, that Sarah Palin still shoots straight from the hip and she hits her target every single time. She says that Barack Obama should be impeached, and you and I both know she’s absolutely right. There isn’t anyone else on main stream media right now that tells the truth like does Sarah Palin. Every red blooded American should be listening to every word she says. Sarah knows what’s right. If you don’t listen to Sarah, than you’re not a real American!
And of course, that John Boehner over there in Washington who has no “cajones” (ha! I love when she says that!)… that John Boehner says he doesn’t agree with Sarah and that Obama shouldn’t be impeached. That man is spineless. Sometimes he says some good things against Obama at his podium, but like Sarah says, he doesn’t have the “cajones” to stand up and be a real man. He wants to sue the president when he should be impeaching him.
We need to show that we agree with Sarah; that we have the cajones to stand up for real America.
You know that when you search on the Google you come across all those websites that sell t-shirts and bumper stickers for impeach Obama? They’re really easy to find, and I know they do good business. They have all those funny cartoon drawings of Obama looking all goofy and have all sorts of stuff you can buy. Impeach Obama stickers, impeach Obama pins, Impeach Obama hats and bumper stickers. All sorts of stuff. And those drawings of Obama, they sure are funny. I bought the bumper sticker that says, “Impeach Obama: It’s Not a Racial Thing, It’s an American Thing”. I don’t want them liberals to think it’s because he’s black… it’s because he’s not a real American. That’s why I want him to go back to Kenya so we can take our country back.
I actually have bought all sorts of impeach Obama t-shirts. I have the “One Big Mistake America” one, and the one where he has that little mustache like Hitler, and a couple with eagles and the American flag, and of course one with Banghazi for impeaching Obama for war crimes. (I even have one with Obama looking like Osama, but I don’t wear that one in public much anymore.)
I also bought impeach Obama t-shirts for my grandkids. Yeah, no kidding! You can buy this stuff for kids, so you should really get them involved, because the kids are our future and good red blooded Americans should be taught early how to hate Obama. They make all sorts of impeach Obama t-shirts and those baby “onesie” things so your babies can show that they’re real Americans too. Ha! I tell you, I love those online stores that sell all that stuff. Sarah Palin and all those places I can buy stuff that show how much I hate Obama… that’s real America: capitalism, family values, the second amendment, Freedom, and solid Christian values. I can’t believe so few of us actually understand that.
Published: by | Updated: 04-21-2015 17:40:44