Related Article: Tea Party Asks: Why are Democrats Destroying America?
“Real Americans” of which the Tea Party speaks continue to elude pollsters. Sneaky are these “Real Americans” who allegedly want Ted Cruz to destroy the government; difficult to find outside the bubble, apparently. While political polls normally show the public’s answers to specific questions, in this case, it’s the Tea Party reaction to polling data that’s more telling.
The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll throws the blame for the government shutdown clearly on the GOP… by a 22 point margin. Moreover, republicans in Congress have the lowest approval rating… ever. Tea Party obstruction tactics are not what the country wants. We all knew it, now there’s more data that proves it.
Republicanland: Abandon Facts All Ye Who Enter Here
As we witnessed in the 2012 election, the more extreme factions of the GOP deny facts when those facts are contrary to their own, super-conservative, self-righteous and Rush-Revere-insulated beliefs. The TP vigorously denies facts, and excommunicates anyone who has the audacity to speak truth to Tea Party. “He who speaketh of facts and differing ideas shall be banished outside the walls of Republicanland forever more! So sayeth I, and so it is true… now go buy my book and this nifty thing that keeps your tea cold.”
Super-Conservatism denies demographics, pluralism, and the truth that a real democracy is a messy collection of different beliefs and ideas… not a world full of head-bobbing conformity to their own ideologies. They don’t disprove anything – they can’t – they decry and deny that change, differing opinions (and contradiction) even exist. Anything Other is dubbed “not real” or “un”. It’s quite amazing, bold, and down right scary.
The immovable mountain of the Tea Party Vision of “Real America” is so far removed from True America that it has created time warps in super-conservative pockets of the United States. When people occupying these time warps are confronted with Truth or Facts, the most they can do is shout about Obamacare, and insert mob-cheering-words like “socialism” and “Kenya” into their run-on-sentence-rants amplified with glittery microphones, goofy hats and secessionist flags. It is the great irony of America that those who shout the loudest about Freedom are the ones who want it most only for themselves and no one else. Theirs is a freedom born from selfishness; an Ideal it is not.
These are vacuumed pockets of blindered existence. They’re old, creaky ships – scattered and lost in self-rationalization – drifting on a dark and double-digit IQ sea of bigotry and hate. Lost in the dark, but stuck in it because it’s familiar – and so damn scared that they’d rather shoot at anything that moves than steer towards land. Self-sieged and delivered to those willing to exploit them for cash donations.
Tea Party Ted and GOP Extremism Is Good Business.
Yes… they did build that.
What does Tea Party Ted Cruz say about the United States citizens en masse disapproving of his “Shut Down the Government” fundraising tactic? In a brief interview he offered something along the lines of, “Well, yes… (uh, uh)… if you seek out liberal Obama supporters you will get people who support Obama”, and the good ‘ole standby, “Real Americans believe different.”
The irony (which we’ve verified by now the Tea Party republican brain is incapable of understanding) is that Ted Cruz is the poll…ster… who seeks only people with whom he already agrees, and therefore basks in wholly non-representational crowd love of the super conservative bubble. Breaking news, Ted (as of 2012, anyway): the Tea Party is a small minority – and it has a wretched reputation.
Oh, and Ted: I am a real American… and I think you’re a buffoon. Not since Sarah Palin (and Newt Gingrich whenever he has a new booking coming out) has monetizing politics been so dreadfully shameful and pathetic. Ted, even your self-importance-dripping speech pattern makes by spine curl in disgust, because most of us can see through it to your real motives and exploitive desires. You’ve lost your way, sir. If there is any moral justice system in the Universe prior to one’s death, your spine ought curl you into a fetal position of apology and never-ending volunteer work at soup kitchens in very cold climates.
Please, Canadian Senator Cruz: We know you’re a smart man whose brain is temporarily on the fritz due to the campaign pot of gold you see behind your eyes… but please: the world behind the Koch fence is not real America. It’s the small, paranoid part of America that has convinced itself the other 80% doesn’t exist – because they cannot understand it, and therefore are scared of it.
Once again, the Tea Party – with fingers in their ears and screaming “Nah, nah, nah, I can’t hear you!” – are claiming skewed polling to maintain the tensile strength of the republican bubble. More proof that without an intervention by family members, the GOP doomsday addicted brain cannot break the cycle.
… I got nothing else on this topic. We went thought this in the 2012 election already (just ask Mitt Romney what he thinks about “skewed polls”). Clearly the extreme right-wing has not learned a damn thing.
Stop the Crazy: Vote Blue.