Who or what motivates and encourages an sort of extremist to perform acts of terror assumes some responsibility for that terrorist act. The NRA, like Al Qaida and other religious-based terrorist organizations, is in the business of creating and managing terrorists – just as much as they’re in the weapons business. People who teach extremism are at fault for perpetuating extremism.
So why aren’t we putting the NRA on trial for murder? The NRA doesn’t manufacturer guns, so the laws that protect gun manufacturers from being held legally liable for misuse of their product don’t apply. The NRA, daily, performs the same act as yelling fire in a crowded theatre to a room full of very paranoid and very well armed people. The NRA creates dangerous paranoia. The NRA encourages violence. The NRA writes and advocates laws that encourage a person to shoot and kill another person.
For terrorist events that use explosions rather than guns as their means of destruction, we tend to assign blame to religious extremists who recruit, create, and incite violent-prone followers… who do we blame for creating extreme political terrorism in the United States when the means of violence are guns? Both kill. We cannot give a free pass to those who teach and create extremism simply because they’re inside our own borders and we have a Second Amendment: murder is murder, intimidation is intimidation, terror is terror. Those who incite with impunity are just as much to blame as the countless people who pull triggers every day in this country.
Wayne LaPierre, the shouting face of the NRA for decades has been doing everything he can to convince already paranoid people that the U.S. government will break into their houses, take their children, and end their lives. That the world as they know it will end. That the government is, “out to get you, and will destroy America!” The NRA: the radical Gun Lobby Cleric.
The belief that the NRA has injected into its ranks that guns equal freedom and even life itself has no less profound in their hearts as religion is to similar extremist.
The NRA doesn’t physically plant bombs. It doesn’t pull triggers and kill children, but what the NRA does is no different than the rantings of radical religious clerics who most Americans jump at the chance to demonize at every opportunity. They preach “FIGHTING BACK AGAINST THE US GOVERNMENT” just as much – if not more – than the most wanted radical Muslim cleric.
What happens when an organization like the NRA creates hate in its followers? Exactly the same thing has happens in religious organizations: the most radial in the ranks kill people.
Wayne LaPierre and the NRA help to create domestic terrorists by teaching paranoid people that the U.S. Government is evil: just like the radical religious clerics we all demand “are brought to justice.” He has the right to free speech, but he has crossed the line: knowingly. That he knows the results of his extreme political rants, and yet continues to do so is why he and the NRA are also responsible for acts of domestic terrorism.
Wayne LaPierre is a radical Gun-slim, Anti-Government cleric. He uses his platform to create hate and incite violence. If we as a country demand that people like Abu Hamaz al-Masri should be held responsible for the role played in global terrorism (pictured above. The U.S. had him extradited from the UK and his trial began earlier this year in NYC) … then we must demand the same of Wayne LaPierre. He is no different: he creates political terrorist with his rousing speeches and he KNOWS that’s exactly what he’s doing… he might be crazy, but LaPierre isn’t stupid. He knows the effects of his inflammatory rhetoric (it scares people and makes them buy more weapons), which is why he’s partially to blame.
How to stop the cycle of human violence: stop the people who preach and teach it.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m tired of the ever-increasing gun violence driven by the NRA in the United States. Shooting another person with a gun and hoarding guns to protection against ghosts is the lowest form of animal co-existence. Live and let kill. Our brains are far too big to resort to it by default, but the NRA has managed to convinced a small group of people to overrule their own sense of humanity by putting them into a constant state of debilitating fear. The NRA is a fear machine, a terrorist creator, and according to the laws for which is lobbies, the NRA is a black market arms dealer. The increase of gun violence in America is directly proportional to the NRA’s increasing use of inflammatory, inciting language for gun owners of America to stockpile weapons “to protect themselves” from demons that don’t exist.
Here’s the problem: most people are rather stupid. Me and you, too. There is a very, very good chance that Wayne LaPierre and the more shady people within the gun lobby are fully aware that their inflammatory methods create extremists. It’s their business. What they do is the perfect analog of shouting fire in a crowded theatre full of paranoid, trigger-happy, marginalized people.
To the extreme gun loving political factions out there: do you blame extreme Islamic clerics for creating Islamic extremist terrorists? Do you think Abu Hamaz al-Masri should be held accountable for inciting violence? Is his trial and incarceration justified? Do you hate how he shouts about the evil of America? If you do – then you should feel the same about Wayne LaPierre.
There are only two possible answers to this right-wing hypocrisy: either you don’t think foreign terrorist should be held accountable for inciting violence, or you do think that Wayne LaPierre should. You cannot think both, because what they do is one and the same. If you cannot see that, then you’re incapable of seeing Truth, and are therefore part of the problem that the NRA and extremists in the Right and super-conservative religious movement in America have created: extreme political and religious terrorists who murder people. They aren’t heroes, they aren’t brave, and they definitely are not strong: they are scared, angry, paranoid people who kill with guns. This is what the NRA creates.
Yes, Wayne LaPierre has the right to free speech, but there are limitations when it comes to hate speech that directly results in violence. We all know that. If we’re honest with ourselves and our souls, we all agree to that.
Step out of the forced political polarity demanded by the self-identity tags of “republican” and “democrat” and think like a human being for a moment.
If you still cannot see that Wayne LaPierre is no different than Abu Hamaz al-Masri: print out a picture of Abu Hamaz al-Masri – look at it for a long time – stick it on a wall – and ask yourself if you think he should be held accountable for his actions in creating extremists. If you do, even in the slightest way: then so should Wayne LaPierre.
Published: by | Updated: 03-09-2015 09:31:31