If you want to impeach someone: impeach the Democratic Party. Impeach your-own-damn-self for allowing the Presidency of Donald Trump to pupate over the last 8 years and emerge from the right-wing media cocoon into the offices of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
It’s the right of every American to be a total dumbass. Making the choice to be ignorant, ill-informed, and unabashedly proud of it is one of the many freedoms that makes America “the best darn country in the world!”
POLITUSIC believes in Freedom. Deeply. And for that, POLITUSIC is torn.
It is highly possible – very-super-highly possible – that Trump did not, and has not committed crimes or collusions. Sadly for those screaming for impeachment, the thing about Justice is she’s a stickler about Intent. If Trump’s actions are a result of his baboon personality and buffoon intellect… well, then by law there’s no there there.
Sure, Mike Flynn will be the fall guy, but the end result of the Trump/Russia investigation might very well be nothing more than the truth: an ignorant and desperate electorate voted to put an incompetent man into office. That’s not a crime – that’s Democracy. The Donald Trump Experiment is not something that can be impeached. Donald Trump is the inevitable outcome of decades of modern American culture: demonizing education, social media obsession, and celebrating celebrity. Donald Trump is the president Americans deserve. If you want to impeach someone: impeach the Democratic Party. Impeach your-own-damn-self for allowing the Presidency of Donald Trump to pupate over the last 8 years and emerge from the right-wing media cocoon into the offices of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Donald Trump Is Not An Intelligent Person… so what?
The weight of Donald Trump’s ego dwarfs the lifting power of his intellect. We all know this.
That Cult Of Personality works well for car salesmen, dictators, and door-to-door hawkers, but generally we expect more from our president1. While this opinion might earn us the label of “elitist”, we expect an American president – at minimum – to have grammar skills measured beyond a 6th-grade level. In Donald Trump, we find him lacking that minimum, more, and tidbits yet to be revealed2.
Nevertheless, idiocy is not a crime. So where does that leave us? Those already head-nodding to the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office are getting ahead of themselves. Donald Trump is not incapacitated, nor is he – by definition, anyway – incompetent. Donald Trump is simply the very model of a Modern American Dumbass. MADs brush off all accountability, blame everyone but themselves, and have minds – we’re talking literally their brains – that are more susceptible to believing conspiracy theories. None of that is a crime.
Will Trump Be Impeached?

Gods only know. But for those caught up in the chaos of the news cycles, a reminder: impeachment is a political process.
Trump’s supporters remain loyal – disturbingly so – and republicans in Congress won’t budge until they know Trump cannot win re-election. Given the gerrymandered district trap republicans have drawn for themselves, it’s unlikely Paul Ryan will ever grow a spine capable of protecting the dignity of American Democracy.
Is it possible Trump’s base will abandon him? Yes. A this point in the process is it likely? No – mostly because their chosen enemy, “main stream media”, is pushing hard to make it happen.
News media (left and right) would love to see Trump fall into the history-book abyss of America’s worst president. They’re setting their twittering thumbs on fire hoping to get the next “bombshell” scoop on the Trump Big Top Circus3. One can understand why: impeaching Donald Trump would be the cable news ratings boost of the century. It seems cable news has learned something from the president: in America, ratings are everything.
But the Law is the Law, the House is the Bouncy Castle, and the Senate is the Snail Shell. Given the blank-stare state of America’s “Unified Republican Government” and the lead-lined information bubble in which its voter base exists, the likelihood of Trump being impeached – let alone leaving office – is at this moment quite low. Even if President Trump is impeached, unless there is literally a smoking gun, the Senate won’t do anything about it because American politics is Broken; broken by the republican inbred disdain for high quality, universal education. It will take generations to build our way back from the damage done by just that one aspect of “American Culture” brought to us directly by the Republican Party.
An ignorant People elected an ignorant President. You cannot impeach a person – or a People – for making bad choices based on false information. By that benchmark, we’d be indicting children for imaginary tea parties and leaving cookies out for Santa… Justice would not be pleased.
Chances are good that we are stuck with Trump… so rather than spinning yourself into an uncontrollable impeachment fury every time Trump sneezes in the direction of Russia… do something productive for this country. Do something that will prevent another Trump-like presidency from happening in the future: fight to fix public education – then if we’re lucky – our great grandchildren will have Better Days than our own.
1 … well democrats do, anyway. back
2 Most likely in a crude and gut-wrenching fashion. back
3 Also known as the Trump Comb Over Circus. back
Published: by | Updated: 05-18-2017 16:57:28