Democrats, Media Need to Tamp Down Trump Bashing
Updated: 08-14-2016 08:29:06
Donald J. Trump’s performance has been a gift to the Democratic Party and cable news alike. Both are making a lot of money as a result of his candidacy. Both …
Donald J. Trump’s performance has been a gift to the Democratic Party and cable news alike. Both are making a lot of money as a result of his candidacy. Both …
I can testify with full confidence that democrats are strolling down Dumb American Voter Lane with just as much blind vigor as the GOP base voter they cannot tolerate. Personally, …
As I watch the non-stop coverage of Donald Trump I wonder. Currently the cameras are fixed to the sky – at Trump’s giant name-tagged jet performing a fly-by over an …
Know thyself is for philosophers. Love thyself is for politicians. To be an effective ruler requires confidence. Being able to make decisions that impact a large number of people mandates …
Two events sparked this “what caused political extremism?” rant: Fox News going dark on Dish Network, and North Korea going dark on the Internet. In their own ways both events …
Let’s sue FOX News for contributing to the stupidity of America. With a good lawyer, I think it can be done. We live in a country where a thief can …
Beyond the fact that the Republican Party has imploded this week by once again demonstrating it cannot pass its own bills, I think die-hard republicans actually don’t know what immigration reform …
The actions of the über Tea Party groups are so crazy that they give all Americans a bad name – like how most people in other countries think of Americans …
You know the problem with democrats? They want everyone to love them. That’s their problem. Well you know what? The world isn’t that simple, and the world isn’t that pretty. …
What John Boehner is doing is either a bizarre form of entrapment, or a bold-faced political stunt. Either way it’s another dark cloud on his directionless speakership. Entrapment: “The act …
Some things I write here might cause a twinge, but get over it. There’s a reason it’s called a rant. Organized Religion’s impact on American society is like race in …
Hillary Clinton, wealthy, rich and out of touch with real Americans. “Flat Broke”… don’t get me started… If you’re like me, then you’ve seen Hillary Clinton out on all these friendly …