Paul Ryan on Fox News with Chris Wallace and Call Me Maybe


Paul Ryan. Chris Wallace. Call Me Maybe. Fox News

Sort of like Coldplay, too, in that Paul Ryan can only write one song, but he thinks that if he gives it a different name and use a thesaurus to change the words a little, then none of his fans will notice. Congressman Ryan: they're starting to catch on.
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 06-27-2013 10:02:51
Article Excerpt:
The distinguished man from Wisconsin is stuck on a bad political gig as if he’s the opening act for a Vanilla Ice / Los Del Rios tour. Scratch that. Paul Ryan is on the side stage with his band called The Budget… yeah lets go with that one…. The Numbers Guy Congressman… that’s his stage name… it’s a bit tiresome really. At first Ryan asked to be called just “NG”, then he changed...