Newt’s Solution for “Poor” Schools: Fire the Janitors, Make the Students Clean

Nice jobs plan, Newt. I keep telling myself that Newt GingRICH doesn’t really mean that he wants to get rid of  “truly stupid child labor laws“… even though that’s what he said… out loud… and with the normal Newt überconfident tone of voice and speaking pattern that usually just blurts out “Secular Socialism” whenever he has the chance. Anyway, here’s the commercial making a rather direct point of the absurdity of how far he seems to be willing to go to win cheers from hungry crowds and sell his books, and DVDs, and “consulting” business, and speaking engagements…

Sadly, they have removed the video, and I cannot find it anymore, so we’ll just keep the story, and replace the video with a classic reading of Newt’s press release of… (start around 2:40)

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
John Lithgow Performs Gingrich Press Release
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

He did say it and it’s out there, so there’s the ad from the AFSCME that pokes a little fun at good ole’ Newt while also (for me, anyway) makes me wonder how serious he really is about all this crazy stuff that keeps coming out of his mouth.

At what point does crafting lines to get hoots and hollers from a debate or fund-raising crowd become just down right bad for the country’s serious political dialog? Hands for those who think this Republican primary has already crossed over that line long ago?

Dn’t get me wrong, I worked all through school. I think students having part time jobs is a big help to teach responsibility, but the issue here, that we all know to be the case, is tone and yet another demonstration of a complete lack of respect for the 99%, let alone understanding, let alone compassion. We’re all just lazy and need a shower.

Newt, some of us really do have a hard life right now. I know you think we should all take a shower and get a job. A lot of us have two jobs. You are rolling in money like Daddy Warbucks, so why not just back off. Go ahead and keep selling your product, but back off insulting all the rest of us who are genuinely trying to just survive in this economy. (And dear lord, please don’t adopt any children, what a horror story that would be. Toilet brushes for birthday gifts.)

Category:  Politics     Tagged:
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 12-07-2011 09:35:39


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