Beyond the fact that the Republican Party has imploded this week by once again demonstrating it cannot pass its own bills, I think die-hard republicans actually don’t know what immigration reform means. Maybe the reason why they’re still in session on a Friday night for yet another pointless and symbolic vote is because they don’t understand the phrase, “immigration reform”.
Honestly: would you put that possibility beyond the Tea Party caucus? We can’t take anything for granted when it comes to what they do or do not understand – facts are optional in Republicanland, remember?
Tea Party & Immigration Reform: A Lesson In Selective Understanding

Lets ignore that Ted Cruz has forgotten he’s an arrogant twat who gives speeches that sound like a grandmother telling bedtime stories (which is exactly why the Tea Party caucus in the House seems to love him so much: nostalgia) – I’m talking about facts and definitions. What does it mean when we say “an immigration reform bill”?
Republicans seem to only understand about 5% of what immigration reform entails. They have taken only those aspects that include a gun and a cold heart. Those are the only two decision criteria the Tea Party understands:
- Does it include or require a gun?
- Will it appear like “the difficult choice” so when I go back home to my bobble-head constituents I will look strong like Patton?
That’s the Tea Party. That’s their mindset. All policy and political issues get whittled down to that base dichotomy: holding a gun and looking strong. Really… just look at that photo of Rick Perry and Hannity. Mid-life crisis with a gun and kevlar – that’s republican politics.
As is usually the case in Republicanland, the Tea Party have been shouted at for so long and with such aggression, that to them, “Immigration Reform” means kicking out anyone who was not born in the United States. To republicans, “Immigration Reform” means putting up 40-foot tall, electrified fences on the southern border manned by 50,000 troops carrying automatic weapons. To the Tea Party, Immigration Reform is simplified down to: stop all immigration and kick out everyone who doesn’t look like me.
Let’s clarify: Immigration reform does not mean locking down the border like a military state. It terrifies me how much the Tea Party wants to change the United States of America into a military state packed with guns where people get shot for merely entering the country. That should scare all of us. Immigration Reform does not mean isolationism. Reform doesn’t mean becoming heartless. Reform doesn’t mean taking the Statue of Liberty, knocking it down, and sending it back to France with a note “sorry, we didn’t really mean it, please accept the enclosed COD.” Reform doesn’t mean more guns and less freedom.
Immigration reform means fixing problems of a very complex system, not just fighting tooth and nail to prevent anything and everything from happening. Immigration reform does not use the word “amnesty”. That word is only used inside Republicanland to raise money for consultants who are getting very rich off your dollars and their own laughter.
The immigration system is the problem. The system that takes years to get someone to see the inside of a courtroom so that we can legally figure out what their status should be. Reform means ensuring clarity about our own laws not only to people in the United States, but to people outside. Reform means efficiency. Reform means having ways to deal with the occasional influx of people rather than having to send them to abandoned schools on the other side of the country (only to have to return again months later for a court date).
What the Tea Party caucus is advocating with their right-wing go-nowhere bill is kicking everyone who they think do now belong out of the country, and then turning our borders into a military style demilitarized zone.
The Tea Party wants to create a military state to keep people off their lawn. You are trying to turn the United States of America into a grumpy old man who squirts his water hose at the neighborhood kids whenever they get close to his house. The Tea Party is advocating kicking children out of the only home they have ever known. How Christian of them. Kick everyone out, then hope that magic will solve the rest.
Immigration Reform means fixing the entire system: crossings, security, person and family information, tracking, safety, processing, judgement, transportation, and countless other smaller processes that are part of a massive immigration system. All the Tea Party wants to do is kick people out and put more guns on the border: military state.
If you want a military state that is founded on fear and hate, then move someplace else. Please. Leave. We’ll give you Alaska. What you shout so angrily at anyone in your path is not Real America. Please either educate yourselves or leave. If you finally get out of the way, then the serious people in this country will be able to work to fix the system.
Published: by | Updated: 04-21-2015 18:08:55