Would Someone Please Tell These People to Grow Up?

Honestly! Day after day we see presidential campaign headlines “Romney whines about the tone of the campaign”, “Obama blames Mitt Romney campaign for negative campaigning” Negative campaign blame game complete with whining, rubber and glue.

And the campaign managers went “waa waa waa” all the way home.

First: Willard Mitt: Dude, you DESTROYED your republican opponents during the primary with an unrelenting barrage of negative attack ads…. you even made Newt GingRICH whine about it because it was so agressive and over the top. And now you complain about some Bain Capital attacks and repeated requests for tax returns? Grow up, man… you’re running for President of the United States… in that job you get flogged by press, bloggers, and entire countries on a daily basis.

Obama… I get that it’s rough being President while also having to campaign and try to keep the two separate, but I’d say own up to it, man. This thing got nasty before you even had to get into the ring. Sure, the majority of your stump speeches are keeping it positive, but you have your snide remarks as well, and your campaign definitely is creating some snarky commercials. Point to the President is: if you’re not in the White House next year it’s not because Mitt Romney won the election, it’s because you lost the election because your campaign failed to inform the ill-informed republican voter to Mitt Romney policies and… character “issues” that don’t make him a good choice to run a trigger-happy country powered by Wall Street and the smell of oil. Attack him, but own it; don’t blame it on super PACs of “he started it first” you want to answer accusations of negative campaigns with “Yeah.. I said it.. because it’s true, something Mitt Romney is incapable of being or saying.”

Category:  Rants
Published: by POLITUSIC | Updated: 08-20-2012 10:22:12


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